
Our quick and easy guide.
1. Location
Start by offering the enclosed template to area where you would like the numbers to be fixed, using masking tape to keep it in place while you step back and review your whole doorway.
2. Centre line
Find the area's centre line by measuring for the width mid-point. This can be temporarily marked on the door with a short pencil line on tape. Offer the template's vertical dotted line up to the centre line mark, the template is now centred.
3. Height
Adjust vertical position so there is equal space above and below the numbers. Then using the spirit level, check that the horizontal dotted lines of the template are indeed level. Then add more tape to secure the template in position.

Masking tape
Spirt level

4. Pilot holes
The surface should be suitable for wood screw fasteners, any doubt, get a professional to assist at this point. The template has crosshairs over each number's holes, use these as guides and drill screw length pilot holes though the template, with the 0.8mm drill bit provided. Remove the template and wipe clean any debris.

0.8mm drill bit

5. Fasten
Handling the numbers carefully, attach one at a time. half screwing at first, then, being carful not to slip, screwing them all flush.

3mm slotted screwdriver

part2_001_e copy.png
Stand back and enjoy your upgraded doorway.