How do you fix the number to your door?

See our guide to installation, under the info tab. There you will find all the information required to perfectly hang your door numbers.

Do you include screws?

Yes, our screws are custom finished to match perfectly with the finish of the door number, so they seamlessly blend in.

How do I care for my number?

Short answer is aluminium and black require no upkeep, brass will patina with age. see our materials page for a more in-depth insight on the materials and how to look after them.

Do you offer Wholesale?

We currently don’t, but not to say we wouldn’t consider it. If you have a proposal please get in touch via the contact page.

What size are your numbers

The door numbers are 55mm high, with a width of around 30-38mm depending on the charactor. We are planning on introducing a larger range shortly.

I would like to hang a number on masonry?

We are currently developing a solution to hang numbers from masonry without the risk of it looking wonky, please get in touch for an update.